In 2017, the GdP-Lab supervisory team moved to a new organization which will take the name of REGENERATION MATRIX group in December 2020.
The first objective of this organization is to create an incubator following the GdP-Lab of MOOC GdP of the Central Engineering School of Centrale Lille. This incubator was designed for GdP-Lab alumni. 4 years later, the incubator takes a new innovative path. From a project incubator, it becomes a business incubator.
- We create project and business plan models as for our mushroom production center created for Benin and we offer teams from other countries to duplicate the project in their region or country. The teams focus on their creation of a team, a company and take up existing project models.
- If a team wants to model a new project, we support it in its training in project management and in the creation of the new model which will eventually be offered to our communities as a second step.
- We assess the gaps in the local economic social fabric and we can also create a special team to create a project essential to a country, region or continent. It is then our Laboratory KRAKEN REGENERATION MATRIX university which will create the new project with internal or external teams.