REGENERATION MATRIX group sets up 3 types of support funds for its communities.
- The first fund is HUMANITARIAN RMX fund. Its purpose is to finance the humanitarian projects of the REGENERATION MATRIX group, philosophical, academic, digital and life planning and economic programs.
- The second is an EMERGENCY INSURANCE fund. It is a decentralized fund region by region, country by country which together create a solidarity fund to deal with various local crises. A region may be cross-border, in particular around Lake Tanganika, for example, which affects several countries but whose climatic disasters are identical from one end of the Lake to the other.
- The third fund is an investment fund for the economic projects of RMX (REGENERATION MATRIX group). The fund is intended to finance the micro or macro projects of Cub REGENERATION MATRIX university, our incubator of local projects such as, for example, local food production and processing centers. This fund is also intended to finance the economic projects of innovation and resilience of our research laboratory, Lab REGENERATION MATRIX university.